
Project referral and information sessions - expected later in 2024

7 May 2024

During our information sessions in early March to introduce the proposed Tall Tree Wind Farm, we advised that we expected to lodge a referral under the Environment Effects Act 1978 in the coming months, following our next round of information sessions.

We are still considering a number of factors relating to the proposed project, including your feedback, and we are now extending our pre-referral timeline and anticipate to lodge a referral for the Tall Tree Wind Farm in the latter half of 2024, later than initially anticipated. ‘Referral’ is the point at which we submit the proposed project to government for them to advise on the formal approvals pathway. We will be holding more information sessions in advance of the referral date, where we will have more information and project updates to share with the community. We will publicise these widely at the earliest opportunity to ensure as many community members as possible are able to attend.

In the meantime, we will continue to engage with community members, groups and local stakeholders, and of course we continue to answer your questions – you can see several more published on the ‘Ask a Question’ area of the community hub. We will also publish an updated version of our ‘Answering your questions’ document.