
Distance to local townships

12 April 2024

While many questions have come in from the community and been answered in our ‘Answering Your Questions’ publication, Tall Tree Wind Farm – Answering Your Questions (PDF, 567 KB) we acknowledge that there has also been additional questions about the distance to the local towns.

To make it easier for the community, we have put together the below table where we have included the distance to the closest proposed turbine for each township, referencing both the edge of town and community halls.

Please note this is based off the indicative layout as the project is in the early stages and we are providing this information to the best of our current knowledge.

TownshipDistance to edge of township area from closest proposed turbine
LandmarkDistance to Landmark from closest proposed turbine
Teesdale3.15Teesdale Community Hall (Mercer Tce, Teesdale)5.1
Lethbridge2.5Lethbridge Public Hall (25 Russell St, Lethbridge)3.6
Shelford3.1Shelford Public Hall (16 Mercer St, Shelford)3.55
Meredith2.3Meredith Memorial Hall (Wilson St, Meredith)2.75
Bannockburn6.7Bannockburn Cultural Centre (27 High St, Bannockburn)8.85