
Students visit the Mortlake South Wind Farm

30 March 2023

Last week Mortlake College students learned about renewable energy and enjoyed a visit to Mortlake South wind farm

Last week 22 students visited Mortlake South Wind Farm. The students and the two teachers who accompanied them had a great day learning about how a wind farm operates.

Dominic Luddy, Stakeholder and Community Engagement Manager, and Sara Church, Site Administrator at Mortlake South Wind Farm, presented to Mortlake P-12 College about the renewable industry, teaching them about wind generation and sustainability in the future. The students were very curious and asked many questions. Some of their comments to teachers after the site visit were:

- "I never thought of the wind farm as an opportunity for careers"

- "Wouldn't it be cool to get work experience there"

- "There's so much math and science learning involved on the project"

And they were even more thrilled when they find out about the scholarships and community programs that ACCIONA Energía offers.

We look forward to continuing our work with the community and teaching about the benefits of renewables.