
Research into local koala population commencing soon

23 October 2024


Studies into the genetic makeup of koalas that are present within the Herries Range Wind Farm project site are currently underway and are expected to continue through to Q1 2025. These studies will provide greater insight into the distribution of koala populations in the area as well as understand how to protect and support these populations during construction of the project and beyond.

Investigations will be undertaken by a field investigation team of two researchers who will be looking for koalas and evidence of koalas. A small drone that is equipped with thermal imaging technology will be flown through the project area to identify the thermal body-image of koalas that may not be visible from the ground or are screened by dense foliage. This will allow the field investigation team to identify areas to collect fresh koala scat. The koala scat can then be used to extract DNA material and undertake genetic analysis, as well as investigations into their diet and overall health. The team will also deploy acoustic monitors which will be set up in areas to record koala bellows during the breeding season. This acoustic monitoring will identify activity patterns of koalas.

We would like to extend an invitation to the local community to assist in collecting as much data on koala populations in the area to understand how we can ensure these populations remain healthy and viable whilst also informing the impact assessment and management actions for Herries Range Wind Farm. Updates will be provided soon with details of how the local community can get involved.