About the program

As part of our commitment to supporting local First Nations people, ACCIONA Energía is inviting non-for-profit groups local to the MacIntyre Wind Farm to apply for small grants funding for projects and events in 2024.

Funding will be available to assist local groups who are focused on making a difference by enhancing the social wellbeing and/or improving environmental, educational, cultural or economic outcomes of their communities.

The 2024 MacIntyre First Nations Small Grants Program is now closed for applications. All applicants will be notified of outcomes by mid-September.

Eligibility and evaluation criteria

Applications for funding must align with the ACCIONA Social Action Plan, and must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Enhance education, healthcare or cultural development
  • Promote sustainability, the environment and conservation
  • Promote, provide or support the provision of basic energy and water services
  • Actively contribute to driving and improving the socio-economic system of the communities where ACCIONA Energía operates

Applicants must also satisfy the following:

  • Operate as a not for profit
  • Have a direct impact on the First Nations peoples local to the MacInytyre Wind Farm

ACCIONA Energía will not fund third-party fund-raising activities; events that are illegal in nature; payment of existing debts; or activities and events whereby a solitary individual derives benefit.

Information about our selection and evaluation process and payment terms can be found on our website.