This is your online community hub, where you can find information, ask questions and give us feedback about the project.

We are developing a flagship renewable energy project for the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, strategically located along the proposed Clean Energy Link - East transmission line. The proposed wind farm would consist of approximately 400 turbines over a project area of 100,000 ha with dozens of landowners. The project would support local townships by providing new business opportunities as well as the chance to retrain or re-skill into the sector, while providing power to existing businesses seeking to decarbonise their operations. We are currently engaging the broader community, and once project boundaries are defined, we will consult closely with neighbours.


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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Graham Pearson

State Manager (WA)

Andrew Quispe

Project Developer (WA)

Rowena Moran

Project Coordinator (WA)

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